(1)  Tsunogai, U., F. Nakagawa, D.D. Komatsu, T. Gamo (2002)  Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic analysis of atmospheric carbon monoxide using continuous-flow isotope ratio MS by isotope ratio monitoring of CO., Analytical Chemistry, 74, 22, 5695-5700

(2)  Tsunogai, U., Y. Hachisu, D.D. Komatsu, F. Nakagawa, T. Gamo, K. Akiyama (2003)  Up-to-dated estimation for stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbon monoxide emitted from automobiles, Atmospheric Environment, 37, 22, 4901-4910

(3)  Nakagawa, F., U. Tsunogai, D.D. Komatsu, K. Yamada, N. Yoshida, J. Moriizumi, K. Nagamine, T. Iida, Y. Ikebe (2005)  Automobile exhaust as a 13C- and D-enriched source of atmospheric methane in urban areas., Organic Geochemistry, 36, 727-738

(4)  Komatsu, D. D., U. Tsunogai, J. Yamaguchi, F. Nakagawa (2005)  A selective unsaturated hydrocarbon subtraction technique for stable carbon isotopic analysis of atmospheric methyl chloride, methyl bromide, and C2-C5 saturated hydrocarbons using continuous-flow isotope ratio MS., Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry; 19, 477–483

(5) 藤原伸也, 中川光弘, 長谷川摂夫, 小松大祐 (2007)  北海道中央部, 十勝岳火山の最近3,300年間の噴火史火山, 52, 253-271

(6)  Komatsu, D. D., T. Ishimura, F. Nakagawa, U. Tsunogai (2008)  Determination of the 15N/14N, 17O/16O, and 18O/16O ratios of nitrous oxide by using continuous-flow isotope ratio MS., Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry; 22: 1587-1596, 2008

(7)  Tsunogai, U., T. Kido, A. Hirota, S.B. Ohkubo, D.D. Komatsu, F. Nakagawa (2008)  Sensitive determinations of stable nitrogen isotopic composition of organic nitrogen through chemical conversion to N2O. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry; 22: 345–354

(8)  Kameyama, S., U. Tsunogai, F. Nakagawa, M. Sasakawa, D.D. Komatsu, A. Ijiri, J.Yamaguchi, T. Horiguchi, H. Kawamura, A.Yamaguchi, A.Tsuda (2009)  Enrichment of alkanes within a phytoplankton bloom during an in situ iron enrichment experiment (SEEDSΙΙ) in the western subarctic Pacific., Marine Chemistry, 115, 92-101

(9)  Hirota, A., A. Ijiri, D.D. Komatsu, S.B. Ohkubo, F. Nakagawa, and U. Tsunogai (2009)  Enrichment of nitrous oxide in a water column in the Bering and Chukchi Sea area. Marine Chemistry, 116, 47-53.

(10)  Tsunogai, U., D.D. Komatsu, S. Daita, G. A. Kazemi, F. Nakagawa, I. Noguchi, and J. Zhang (2010)Tracing the fate of atmospheric nitrate deposited onto a forest ecosystem in eastern Asia using D17O. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 1809–1820

(11)  Hirota, A., U. Tsunogai, D.D. Komatsu and F. Nakagawa (2010)  Simultaneous determination of d15N and d18O of N2O and d13C of CH4 in nanomolar quantities from a single water sample. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 24, 1085-1092.

(12)  Konno, U., U. Tsunogai, D.D. Komatsu, S. Daita, F. Nakagawa, A.Tsuda, T. Matsui, Y.-J. Eum and K. Suzuki (2010)  Determination of total N2 fixation rates in the ocean taking into account both the particulate and filtrate fractions. Biogeosciences, 7, 2369-2377.

(13)  Tsunogai, U., A. Kosaka, N. Nakayama, D.D. Komatsu, U. Konno, S. Kameyama, F. Nakagawa, H. Sumino, K. Nagao, K. Fujikura, and H. Machiyama,  Origin and fate of deep-sea seeping methane bubbles at Kuroshima knoll, Ryukyu forearc region, Japan. Geochemical Journal, 44, 477-487.

(14)  Tsunogai, U., S. Daita, D.D. Komatsu, F. Nakagawa, and A. Tanaka (2010)  Quantifying nitrate dynamics in an oligotrophic lake using D17O.Biogeosciences,8, 687-702.

(15)  Tsunogai, U., K. Kamimura, S. Anzai, F. Nakagawa, and D.D. Komatsu (2011)  Hydrogen isotopes in volcanic plumes: Tracers for remote temperature sensing of fumaroles. Geochimca et Cosmochica Acta, 75, 4531-4546.

(16)  Kameyama, S., H. Tanimoto, S. Inomata, K. Suzuki, D.D. Komatsu, A. Hirota, U. Konno, andU. Tsunogai (2011)  Application of PTR-MS to incubation experiments of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.Geochemical Journal,45, 355-363.

(17)  Komatsu, D.D., U. Tsunogai, K. Kamimura, U. Konno, T. Ishimura, and F. Nakagawa (2011)  Stable hydrogen isotopic analysis of nanomolar molecular hydrogen by automatic multi-step gas chromatographic separation. Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25, 3351–3359

(18)  Tsunogai, U.,K. Maegawa,S. Sato,D.D. Komatsu,F. Nakagawa, T. Toki, and J. Ashi  Coseimic massive methane release from a submarine mud volcano,Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341, 79-85

(19)  Toki, T., R. Honda, K. Oomine, D. Iwata, U. Tsunogai, D.D. Komatsu, Y. Sano, N. Takahata, J. Ishibashi, M. Kinoshita, H. Yamashiro (2012) The origin of methane in crustal fluids around the Ryukyu Islands. Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), Vol.46, No.4, 257-274 (in Japanese with English abstract).〈土岐知弘,本田龍太郎,大嶺一希,岩田大吾,角皆潤,小松大祐,佐野有司,高畑直人,石橋純一郎,木下正高,山城秀之(2012)「琉球諸島周辺の地殻内部流体中のメタンの起源」地球化学, Vol.46, No.4, 257-274.

(20)  Katsuyama, C., Nashimoto, H., Nagaosa, K., Ishibashi, T., Kinoshita, T., Yoshikawa, H., Aoki, K., Asano, T., Sasaki, Y., Sohrin, R., Komatsu, D., Tsunogai, U., Kimura, H., Suwa, Y., Kato, K. (2013) Occurrence and potential activity of denitrifiers and methanogens in groundwater at 140 m depth in Pliocene diatomaceous mudstone of northern Japan. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 86, 532–543.

(21)  Nakagawa, F., A. Suzuki, S. Daita, T. Ohyama, D.D. Komatsu and  U. Tsunogai (2013) Tracing atmospheric nitrate in groundwater using triple oxygen isotopes: Evaluation based on bottled drinking water. Biogeosciences, 10, 3547-3558.

(22)  Konno, U., M. Kouduka, D.D. Komatsu, K. Ishii, A. Fukuda, U. Tsunogai, K. Ito, and Y. Suzuki (2013) Novel microbial populations colonized in deep granitic groundwater from Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. Microbial Ecology, 65, 626-637.

(23)  Tsunogai, U., D.D. Komatsu, and F. Nakagawa (2013) Remote temperature sensing on volcanic fumaroles using HIReTS: Applications to Satsuma-Iwojima volcano, Japan. Bulltein of the Volcanological Society of Japan, 58, 3, 443-459 (in Japanese with English abstract).〈角皆潤, 小松大祐, 中川書子 (2013) HIReTS法を用いた火山噴気の遠隔温度測定:薩摩硫黄島における検証. 火山, Vol. 58, No.3, 443-459.





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